Episode #

They Only Come Out At Night (Vicki Joy Anderson)

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podcast Description

Sleep paralysis. Many of us have experienced it at least once in our life. The mainstream will tell us that it is nothing to overthink; or, they'll say it's due "stress, drugs, poor sleeping habits, junk food" and so on. Our next guest is here to explain otherwise. In this episode, we're blessed to have Vicki Joy Anderson join us as she dives into her new book, They Only Come Out At Night. She shares with us her lifelong journey with sleep paralysis, her decades worth of historical, medical, and biblical research, the countless testimonies she has received, and much more. We dive into some of the problems that linger among the New Age crowd and how these entities come with an offer-- Some straight forward, while others are more deceitful. Some of us consciously accept them, while others unconsciously agree--- Sound familiar?

This was an incredible conversation that you're not going to want to miss.

You can find Vicki at:


*Here books can also be found on Amazon and other online bookstores.

Instagram: @vickijoyauthor

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