Episode #

Hard Times Create

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podcast Description

We're back with the trio as we discuss how hard times are essential for creativity, not just artistically, but also how we navigate life. We dive into some our own personal stories on how creativity blossomed from the hardships we have endured. From there, we examine the significance of having an open mind to challenging times, allowing oneself to objectively evaluate their perspectives on the obstacles at hand, as well as the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual boundaries implemented. When doing so, this allows intuition (God, source, the universe, etc) to be your driving source of action. As Tom mentions, and I'm paraphrasing: We will set goals for ourselves and have a plan, a path that we think will lead us to that goal. However, when challenges and hard times get in the way, many of us become self defeating rather than view these challenges as essential pieces towards our overall success. When you follow your intuition, and not just the path you thought to yourself, you will find the potential to succeed--allegedly-- and it always start within you. You can find Tom at his website: Tombarnett.tv Instagram: Tombarnett.tv and barnett.media You can find Rob on Instagram: therealrobedward

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