Episode #

An "Easy" Life Is Not Without Its Sacrifices

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podcast Description

We have another great episode, as I was honored to have on the Master, Mind, Body, and Spirit man himself, Matt Belair. Matt shares with us his physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual journey towards the life he currently lives. We dive into the necessity of what means to have struggle in life, the unknown, and what positive transformations can manifest from it. We also deep dive into how a life of "ease" is effecting the hearts and minds of many people today, and the realities of our current, worldwide... Situation. It's on us as individuals to look inward first and foremost. It's on us to take the time to experience our own demons, and ask "How are they contributing to the problems in my life? How can I change this? Do I want to change this? And do I want to be victor, or a victim?" You can find Matt: Youtube: Matthew Belair Telegram: mattbelair Website: mattbelair.com and zenathlete.com Instagram: matt.belair

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